The Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan is the central government’s contribution to further the promise held by the rich expanse of India’s state universities. The country’s future lies in empowering these campuses with all that it takes to enhance learning, better research and promote innovation. A centrally sponsored scheme, RUSA understands that sometimes the most important lessons of life are learnt outside the classroom. So whether it is upgrading libraries or computer laboratories, promoting autonomous colleges or clubbing them to consolidate their strength and forming cluster universities, this programme realizes that every institution holds the power to enrich lives through top-class education.
Chairman : Director, H&TE
Vice Chairman : Principal
Secretary : Mr. Vanlalpeka, Co-ordinator, RUSA
Assistant Secretary : Mr. C. Lalhumbika, Asst. Co-ordinator, RUSA
1. Academic Activities : Vice Principal
2. Civil Works etc. : Mr. Lalchangliana
3. Procurement : Dr. Lalbiakzuali
4. Financial Aspects : Dr. Rohmingliani
5. Equity Assurance
& Implementation : Mr. C.Laldampuia
6. Y.M.A : Mr. Lalhmachhuana, VP-CYMA
7. M.H.I.P : Pi T. Lalthangpuii, MHIP Hqrs
Nature of Work:
- To take all policy dimensions with regard to smooth, cost effective and timely implementation of the Institutional project.
- To form, supervise and guide various committees required for project implementation and internal project monitoring.
- To ensure proper utilization of project fund and timely submission of Financial Management Reports (FMRs) and Utilization Certificates.
- To monitor progress in the carry out of all the proposal activities, resolve bottlenecks, and enable the Institution to achieve targets for all key indicators.
Chairman : Principal
Secretary : Co-ordinator, RUSA
Asst. Secretary : Mr. C. Lalhumbika, Asst. Co-ordinator, RUSA
Members :
1). All RUSA Nodal Officers 2) Prof. Kalyan Adak
3) Mr. B.Lalrawngbawla 4) Dr. Lalchatuana, Librarian
5) Head Assistant 5) Vice President, Students’ Union
6) Er. David Sapzova
Nature of Work:
- Procurement of Goods, Works and Services.
- Financial Management.
- Implementation of faculty & Staff development, activities and programme
- Monitoring project implementation.