1.    1. The students are expected to take up all assignments, tests and examinations of this College seriously and would try to perform the best.

2.    2.  A student with less than 75% of attendance will not be eligible to write the Semester Examinations of the University

3.    3. Although the University prescribes a minimum of 75% of attendance, the College insists on regular attendance in all classes. This is for the benefit of the students’ internal marks in attendance.

4.   4. The College shall conduct Semester Examination twice – November to December for Odd Semester and in May for even Semester. There shall also be two Internal Examinations in one Semester. It is mandatory for all students to appear in both these internal Examinations.

5.     5. All Examinations will commence according to the Programme notified.Candidates should check their Examination routine carefully before Examination(s).

6.     6. All candidates should enter the Examination Hall and take their seat 15 minutes before commencement of the Examination. Candidates are not allowed to enter the Examination Hall after 30 Minutes of the commencement of the Examination.

7.     7. No candidates will be allowed the leave the Examination Hall within 1 hour of the commencement of the Examination nor will he/she be allowed to re-enter the Examination Hall during the time of Examination (30 minutes in the case of Internal Examination).

8.     8. No candidate is allowed to leave the Examination Hall without submitting his/her Answer paper. The candidate will submit his/her answer paper even blank before leaving the Examination Hall.

9.    9.  Candidates are cautioned not to attempt use of any unfair means (cheating, coping, etc.) at the examination. Use of unfair means will render them liable for expulsion by the Centre Superintendent from the Examination.

10.  10. No candidate is allowed to carry Mobile Phone, Tablets, Smart Watches or any other electronic device inside the Examination Hall.

11.  11. Use of Scientific Calculator is not allowed. Candidates may use simple calculators with prior permission from the Centre Superintendent.