The Department of Political Science in collaboration with Department of Public Administration and Electoral Literacy Club observed National Voters Day on 24th January, 2025. Since, National Voters Day i.e. 25th Janaury falls on Saturday, it was observed on Friday for the convenience of the students. The programme was chaired by Dr. Marie Zodinpuii, Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Dr. H. Lalzuithangi, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science gave a keynote address on the theme "Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for sure" highlighting that the Election Commission of India celebrates its 75 years in 2025 marking a significant change in the largest democracy in the world. India had 99.1 crore voters in 2025 composing  21.7 crore youth voters between 18-29. She also highlighted that the nation strives its best to ensure the future of its youth.

All the teachers and the students present in the observation made a pledge which reads “ We, the citizens of India, having abiding faith in democracy, hereby pledge to uphold the democratic traditions of our country and the dignity of free,fair, and peaceful elections, and to vote in every election fearlessly and without being influenced by considerations of religion, race, caste, community, language or any inducement ”. The pledge reading was led by Miss Lalhruaitluangi Electoral Literary Club incharge. The students also made a pledge to cast their vote for the coming Village Council and Local Council scheduled to be held on 12th February 2025.