Date & Time: 13th March 2025, 2pm
Venue: Room No 504
The Department of History in collaboration with Department of Political Science and Mizo organized one day International Seminar on “the establishment of the British Raj and the Mizo Response”
Dr. Klye Jackson, Department of History, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada was the Resource person.
The Seminar was hosted by Dr. Rosaline Varsangzuali Varte, Asso Professor Department of History.
Dr. Klye Jackson gave a lecture on Mizo history, how the early Mizos’ see the world from their point of view. Dr. Klye Jackson also discussed on how to apply various perspectives while pursuing research.
The seminar was attended by several faculty members, research scholars from Mizoram university and the college students.
Outcome of the Seminar: The seminar not only enriched the students’ knowledge of Mizo history during the colonial period but also gave a deeper insight into the world of research.
After giving lecture, there was an interactive sessions where several students had one on one interaction with Dr. Kyle Jackson.