- The under Graduate courses shall consist of three academic years with two semesters in each year. Each year shall be divided into two semesters. The first academic year shall comprise of the third academic year the fifth and sixth semesters.
- Each semester shall carry 400 marks and the total marks for the course shall be 2400.
- Paper having practical will carry 100 marks out of which 70 marks allotted for Theory and 30 marks for Practical. The theory marks (70) will comprise of 55 marks for end semester examination and 15 marks for continuous assessment. The practical marks (30) shall comprise of 20 marks for end semester examination and 10 marks for continuous assessment. The papers carrying 100 marks without any practical shall comprise of 75 marks for end semester examination and 25 marks for continuous assessment.
- Three class tests, out of which one must be seminar/home assignment, are to be conducted each in Theory and Practical Papers separately for continuous assessment. The average of the best two shall be considered as the marks obtained in the continuous assessment and class room performance of each student.
- Duration of each theory class shall be one hour whereas for practicals it shall be 2 hours.
- The syllabus of each paper shall be divided into five units. Total contact hours for each course paper shall be 50.
- The odd semester shall commence from June till mid-November and the even semester from mid-November till May in each academic year.
- Semester shall be conducted twice - October/November for odd semesters and April/May for even semesters.
- The working days for each semester shall not be less than 90 excluding holidays/sports/exams/semester break/vacation, if any.
- No candidate shall be allowed to appear in any course more than three times (including the regular chance), and no candidate shall be allowed to appear in any course beyond ten semesters of his/her first admission.
- A candidate shall register his/her name with the University in the first Semester itself.
- A candidate shall be permitted to proceed from the first semester upto final semester irrespectively of his/her failure in any of the semester examination subject to the condition that the candidate shall appear for all the arrear papers of each course(s) along with the concerned semester examinations.
- A candidate shall be eligible to appear in the end semester examination only if he/she attends a minimum of 75% of attendance as per university Ordinance.
Page Links: https://ghbc.edu.in/page/regulation-on-degree-coursep
Regulation on Degree Course
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