Chairman : Principal
Vice Chairman : Vice Principal
Coordinator : Dr. Lalbiakzuali
Asst. Coordinator : Ms. B. Lalfakawmi
IQAC Core Group
1. Ms. Marie Zodinpuii
2. Ms. H. Lalengzuali
3. Dr. H. Lalzuithangi
4. Dr. Juliet Lalremmawii Ralte
5. Dr. Zothanzami
6. Mr. Lalmalsawma Ralte
7. Mr. Laldingliana Sailo
8. Mr. Lallianmawia
9. Mr. Lalropianga
From Local Society
10. Mr. Vanneihtluanga, Local Society
11. Mr. Zohmingthanga, Local Society
From Faculty
12. Prof. Kalyan Adak
13. Prof. Sanny Tochhawng
14. Ms. Lianchhingpuii
15. Coordinator, RUSA
16. Coordinator, UGC
From Department of H&TE
17. Dr. C. Zarzoliana, Jt.Director, RUSA
18. Pu Lallianzuala, SQAC
From Students & Alumni
19. Vice President, S.U., GHBC
20. President, Alumni Association
From Administration
21. Librarian
22. Head Assistant
Nature of work:
1. To develop a quality system for conscious, consistent and catalytic programmed action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the College
2. To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internationalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.