Sl. No.Name of the teacherTitle of the book/chapters  publishedTitle of the paperTitle of the proceedings of the conferenceName of the conferenceNational / InternationalCalendar Year of publicationISBN number of the proceedingAffiliating Institute at the time of publication Name of the publisherLinks redirecting to the source website
1Dr. Juliet Lalremmawii RaltePsychology Mitin Tan, Fanau Enkawl kawnga fimkhur TulnaPsychology Mitin Tan, NANational2018ISBN-978-81-939434-2-7Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
2B. LalfakawmiParticipation of Womenin Politics and Governance-Local and State Performance of Women Legislators in Mizoram Participation of Womenin Politics and Governance-Local and State NANational2018- ISBN: 978-81-937438-8-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
3Darchuailova RenthleiZACHAM PAR-CHHUANGL Biakliana TawngkauchhehProceedings of Seminar on L.BiaklianaInternational Seminar on L.BiaklianaInternational2018978-81-937438-7-4Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLTL Publication
4Dr. ZothanzamiPsychology Mitin Tan, Hmeichhe Thi Hul  (Menopause)Psychology Mitin Tan, NANational2018ISBN-978-81-939434-2-7Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
5LaltlanmawiaHmangaih Laltanpuia TochhawngAuthor BookAuthorNANational2018978-81-938981-2-3Govt. Hrangbana CollegeTM Offset,
6LaltlanmawiaKa Van RuahtuiAuthor BookAuthorNANational2019978-81-938981-2-3Govt. Hrangbana CollegeTM Offset,
7LaltlanmawiaKawlawm KamliamAuthor BookEditorNANational2018978-81-938981-2-3Govt. Hrangbana CollegeTM Offset, Aizawl
8LaltlanmawiaKAWLAWM KAMLIAMPu Siama KhawvelKAWLAWM KAMLIAMNANational2018978-81-938981-2-3Govt. Hrangbana CollegeTM Offset, Aizawl
9LaltlanmawiaKAWLAWM KAMLIAMPu Lal Rinawma ChanchinKAWLAWM KAMLIAMNANational2018978-81-938981-2-3Govt. Hrangbana CollegeTM Offset, Aizawl
10LaltlanmawiaMIZO FOLKLOREMizo Literature-a Folksong DinhmunProceedings of National Seminar on Mizo FolkloreNational Seminar on Mizo FolkloreNational2019978-81-939434-1-0Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
11LaltlanmawiaNUCHHUNGI RENTHLEI LEH NAUPANG LITERATURENuchhungi Hlâa Nun Dan Tha InzirtirnaProceedings of National seminar on underrstanding childrens’ literature of nuchhungi renthlei: approaches and systems National Seminar on Children Literature: Nuchhungi Hla Zir ChiannaNational2018978-81-938727-0-3Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset, Aizawl
12LaltlanmawiaTLAIZAWNG (A Study of Selected Mizo Poetry)‘Damlai Pialràl’ Hlaa Mihring Nun leh Thilsiam Dangte KhaikhinnaProceedings of Seminar on Mizo PoetryNational Seminar on Mizo PoetryNational2018978-81-937438-2-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
13LaltlanmawiaZACHAM PAR-CHHUANGBiakliana Hlaa Pathian HnathawhProceedings of Seminar on L.BiaklianaInternational Seminar on L.BiaklianaInternational2018978-81-937438-7-4Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLTL Publication
14LaltlanmawiaZACHAM PAR-CHHUANGThanlai Bang lo L.BiaklianaProceedings of Seminar on L.BiaklianaInternational Seminar on L.BiaklianaInternational2018978-81-937438-7-4Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLTL Publication
15Malsawmi PachuauParticipation of Womenin Politics and Governance-Local and State Barriers of Mizo Women in Political Participation Participation of Womenin Politics and Governance-Local and State NANational2018- ISBN: 978-81-937438-8-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
16SaihlupuiiPsychology Mitin Tan, Vanglai HunPsychology Mitin Tan, NANational2018ISBN-978-81-939434-2-7Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
1Darchuailova RenthleiMizo FolkloreChheih ZaiProceedings of National Seminar on Mizo FolksongNational Seminar on Mizo FolksongNational2019978-81-939434-1-0Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
2Darchuailova RenthleiCherchingkimChheih Zai leh LamProceedings of National Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational2020978-81-944202-5-5Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
3LaltlanmawiaCherchingkimAwithangpa LunglennaProceedings of National Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational2020978-81-944202-5-5Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
4H. LalawmpuiiCherchingkimMizo Hla Hluia Naupang Hla Zir ChiannaProceedings of National Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational2020978-81-944202-5-5Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
5V. LalberkhawpuimawiaCherchingkimMizo Hla Hlui leh SatireProceedings of National Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational2020978-81-944202-5-5Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
6Darchuailova RenthleiCherchingkimEditorProceedings of National Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational2020978-81-944202-5-5Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
7V. LalberkhawpuimawiaCherchingkimEditorProceedings of National Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational Seminar on Mizo Folk Songs and Folk DanceNational2020978-81-944202-5-5Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
8LaltlanmawiaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelMizo lengzem hla thlir zaunaProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
9V. LalberkhawpuimawiaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelYoutube-a Mizo Pasaltha Thawnthute Zir ChiannaProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
10LaltlanmawiaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelEditorProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
11C. VanlallawmaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThangthar Mizo Poet-te SulhnuProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
12Darchuailova RenthleiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThangthar Mizo Poet-te SulhnuProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
13ZohminglianiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThangthar Mizo Poet-te SulhnuProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
14HD LalrinkimiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThangthar Mizo Poet-te SulhnuProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
15H. LalawmpuiiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThangthar Mizo Poet-te SulhnuProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
16LaltlanmawiaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThangthar Mizo Poet-te SulhnuProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
17V. LalberkhawpuimawiaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThangthar Mizo Poet-te SulhnuProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
18LalhmingthangaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelA Study of Recent Publication Marketing in Mizoram Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
19Dr. RohminglianiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelA Study of Recent Publication Marketing in Mizoram Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
20LaldinpuiiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelA Study of Recent Publication Marketing in Mizoram Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
21DoumuanlalMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelA Study of Recent Publication Marketing in Mizoram Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
22DR. Lalremmawii RalteMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Trauma in select Mizo Fiction: Psychological Approach  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
23Dr. ZothanzamiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Trauma in select Mizo Fiction: Psychological Approach  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
24Dr. Melody LaltanpuiiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Trauma in select Mizo Fiction: Psychological Approach  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
25Dr. LalhmingsangiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Trauma in select Mizo Fiction: Psychological Approach  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
26SaihlupuiiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Trauma in select Mizo Fiction: Psychological Approach  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
27Lalparmawii KhiangteMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Trauma in select Mizo Fiction: Psychological Approach  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
28LallungmuanaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSituating Determinism in Mizo Novel: Its Impact and CausesProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
29Dr. ZarzolianaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Trauma in select Mizo Fiction: Psychological Approach  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
30B. LalrawngbawlaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Trauma in select Mizo Fiction: Psychological Approach  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
31Lalmalsawma RalteMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Trauma in select Mizo Fiction: Psychological Approach  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
32F. VanlalhmangaihsangiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Trauma in select Mizo Fiction: Psychological Approach  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
33H. LalzidingaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelCauses and Effect of Alcoholism among Youth: Narrating Mizo Pop Songs Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
34John.K. LaldinglianaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelCauses and Effect of Alcoholism among Youth: Narrating Mizo Pop Songs Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
35Dr. LalfakzualaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelCauses and Effect of Alcoholism among Youth: Narrating Mizo Pop Songs Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
36Marie ZodinpuiiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelCauses and Effect of Alcoholism among Youth: Narrating Mizo Pop Songs Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
37LianchhingpuiiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelCauses and Effect of Alcoholism among Youth: Narrating Mizo Pop Songs Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
38Dr. Malsawmi PachuauMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelCauses and Effect of Alcoholism among Youth: Narrating Mizo Pop Songs Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
39Dr. HS. LalbiakengiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelCauses and Effect of Alcoholism among Youth: Narrating Mizo Pop Songs Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
40Dr. LalsanglianiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThe effects of parental involvement on the characterization in Select Mizo Fiction.  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
41Lalsawmzuali HnamteMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThe effects of parental involvement on the characterization in Select Mizo Fiction.  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
42Dr. LalhlimpuiiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThe effects of parental involvement on the characterization in Select Mizo Fiction.  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
43Lynda VanlalruatiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThe effects of parental involvement on the characterization in Select Mizo Fiction.  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
44Prof. Sanny TochhawngMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelThe effects of parental involvement on the characterization in Select Mizo Fiction.  Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
45ZonunsangiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelComperating the Musical Instruments of Mizos in the twentieth and twenty first century Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
46Dr. Rosaline VarsangzualiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelComperating the Musical Instruments of Mizos in the twentieth and twenty first century Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
47Judy Lalremruati RalteMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelComperating the Musical Instruments of Mizos in the twentieth and twenty first century Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
48C. LaldampuiaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelComperating the Musical Instruments of Mizos in the twentieth and twenty first century Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
49Robert Lalremtluanga Mizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelComperating the Musical Instruments of Mizos in the twentieth and twenty first century Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
50H. LalzariMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Social Media in the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
51Lalthlengliana HrahselMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Social Media in the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
52Dr. H. LalzuithangiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Social Media in the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
53B. LalfakawmiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Social Media in the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
54H. LalengzualiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Social Media in the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
55R. LalrinkimaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelInfluence of Social Media in the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
56Dr. LalbiakzualiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSignificanse of E-book for the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
57LalchanglianaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSignificanse of E-book for the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
58VanlalpekaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSignificanse of E-book for the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
59Zomuani CherpootMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSignificanse of E-book for the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
60Samuel LalthanlianaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSignificanse of E-book for the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
61Laldingliana SailoMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSignificanse of E-book for the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
62Lalhunmawii ChhakchhuakMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSignificanse of E-book for the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
63VanlalluraMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSignificanse of E-book for the development of Mizo LiteratureProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
64Zohmingliani LyngdohMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSocial Satire in Recent Mizo Poetry: A Critical ApproachProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
65Dr. KhawltinkimiMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSocial Satire in Recent Mizo Poetry: A Critical ApproachProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
66Lianzami KhiangteMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSocial Satire in Recent Mizo Poetry: A Critical ApproachProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
67VanlaltluangaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSocial Satire in Recent Mizo Poetry: A Critical ApproachProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
68C. VanlalvawniMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSocial Satire in Recent Mizo Poetry: A Critical ApproachProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
69Dr. C. LalrinfeliMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSocial Satire in Recent Mizo Poetry: A Critical ApproachProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
70ZochhuanmawiaMizo thu leh hlaa thangtharte khawvelSocial Satire in Recent Mizo Poetry: A Critical ApproachProceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational Seminar on Recent Trends of Mizo LiteratureNational2020978-81-944202-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
71Dr. Juliet Lalremmawii Ralte“Contemporary Psychosocial Issues –IIEditorial Member : “Contemporary Psychosocial Issues –IINANANational2019978-93- 89490-00-8Mizoram UniversityLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
72Dr. ZothanzamiContempo raryPsychosocia l Issues - IEmotional intelligence & Achievement Motivation: A study among the Mizo studentsNANANational2020978 -93 - 89490 -00 - 8Mizoram UniversityLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
73Lalparmawii KhiangteContempo raryPsychosocia l Issues - IEthnic Identity and SelfConcept in Relation to Mental Well - being: A Study among the Indian Gorkha in MizoramNANANational2020978 -93 - 89490 -00 - 8Mizoram UniversityLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
74Dr LalnunpuiaContemporary Issues in MizoramEffects of Demographic Characteristics on Organizational Commitment of Employees with special reference to Ministerial Service in Civil Secretariat, Govt. of MizoramNANANational201981- 8324-939-8Mizoram UniversityLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
75LaltlanmawiaMizo FolkloreMizo Literature-a Folksong DinhmunProceedings of National Seminar on Mizo FolksongNational Seminar on Mizo FolksongNational2019978-81-939434-1-0Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
76C. VanlallawmaB. LALTHANGLIANAB. Lalthangliana ThlawhhmaNANANational2020978-81-944202-4-6Govt. Hrangbana CollegeTahan Literature Club, Myanmar
1Darchuailova RenthleiDaingul IRokunga Hlaa Ram Hmangaihna ZiarangProceedings of International Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational2020978-81-951935-5-4Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
2C. VanlallawmaDaingul IIEditorProceedings of International Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational2020978-81-951935-6-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
3C. VanlallawmaMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaRap Music leh Mizo Literature Inkungkaih DanProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
4C. VanlallawmaKhuanu Leng Chawi HrawvaMizo Hlaa Hrawva DinhmunProceedings of International Seminar on Hrawva & LalmamaInternational Seminar on Hrawva & LalmamaInternational2020978-81-951935-6-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
5Darchuailova RenthleiMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaRap Music leh Mizo Literature Inkungkaih DanProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
6Darchuailova RenthleiMizo Tawng KhawvelMizo Grammar: Trends and TendenciesProceedings of International Seminar on Mizo LanguageInternational Seminar on Mizo LanguageInternational2020978-81-947253-1-2Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
7Darchuailova RenthleiRothulDrama Ziak tura hriat NgaiteProceedings of National Seminar on Mizo DramaNational Seminar on Mizo DramaNational2021978-81-951732-5-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeTM Offset,
8Dr. C. LalrinfeliDivergent Issues and Changes“Memory and Narration: A Study of Kazuo Ishiguro’s A Pale View of Hills” on Divergent Issues & ChangesNANANational2021978- 81-950949- 8-1Govt. Johnson CollegeTM Offset, Aizawl
9Dr. Juliet Lalremmawii RalteMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaImpact of Rap Music in a SocietyProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
10Dr. LalhmingsangiMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaImpact of Rap Music in a SocietyProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
11Dr. Melody LaltanpuiiMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaImpact of Rap Music in a SocietyProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
12Dr. ZothanzamiMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaImpact of Rap Music in a SocietyProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
13H. LalawmpuiiDaingul IEditorProceedings of International Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational2021978-81-951935-5-4Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
14H. LalawmpuiiMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaRap Music leh Mizo Literature Inkungkaih DanProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
15HD LalrinkimiMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaRap Music leh Mizo Literature Inkungkaih DanProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
16HD. LalrinkimiDaingul IIEcocriticism hmanga ‘Kraws Bulah Chuan’ ThlirnaProceedings of International Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational2020978-81-951935-6-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
17HD. LalrinkimiDaingul IIEditorProceedings of International Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational2020978-81-951935-6-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
18HD. LalrinkimiBingbiTreatment of Women in the Selected Fictions of James DokhumaProceedings of International Seminar on Mizo FictionInternational Seminar on Mizo FictionInternational2021978-81-947253-5-0Govt. Hrangbana CollegeTM Offset,
19Lalparmawii KhiangteMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaImpact of Rap Music in a SocietyProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
20LaltlanmawiaDaingul IEditorProceedings of International Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational2021978-81-951935-5-4Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
21LaltlanmawiaDaingul IIZikpuii Pa Thawnthua Poetic JusticeProceedings of International Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational2020978-81-951935-6-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
22LaltlanmawiaMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaRap Music leh Mizo Literature Inkungkaih DanProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
23LaltlanmawiaLallianmawia PachuauLallianmawia Pachuau Hlaa TawrhnaNANANational2021978-93-894900-9-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
24LaltlanmawiaBingbi‘Silvarthangi’ beh chhana Zikpuii pa thawnthua Poetic Justice ChhuinaProceedings of International Seminar on Mizo FictionInternational Seminar on Mizo FictionInternational2021978-81-947253-5-0Govt. Hrangbana CollegeTM Offset,
25LaltlanmawiaRothul‘Thu A Tawp E Lumam’ Bih ChiannaProceedings of National Seminar on Mizo DramaNational Seminar on Mizo DramaNational2021978-81-951732-5-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeTM Offset,
26SaihlupuiiMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaImpact of Rap Music in a SocietyProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
27V. LalberkhawpuimawiaDaingul IKum Zabi Thara Mizo Hla Phuahtu RopuiteProceedings of International Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational2021978-81-951935-5-4Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset, Aizawl
28V. LalberkhawpuimawiaDaingul IIKum Zabi Thara Mizo Ziaktu RopuiteProceedings of International Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational2020978-81-951935-6-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset, Aizawl
29V. LalberkhawpuimawiaDaingul IIEditorProceedings of International Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational2020978-81-951935-6-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
30V. LalberkhawpuimawiaMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaRap Music leh Mizo Literature Inkungkaih DanProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset, Aizawl
31V. LalberkhawpuimawiaKhuanu Leng Chawi HrawvaKhuanu Leng Chawi HrawvaProceedings of International Seminar on Hrawva & LalmamaInternational Seminar on Hrawva & LalmamaInternational2020978-81-951935-6-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
32ZohminglianiDaingul IEditorProceedings of International Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational Seminar on Twentieth Century Mizo LiteratureInternational2021978-81-951935-5-4Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset, Aizawl
33ZohminglianiMizo Rap Music Zir ChiannaRap Music leh Mizo Literature Inkungkaih DanProceedings of International Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational Webinar on Mizo Rap MusicInternational2021978-81-945490-7-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset, Aizawl


1Alicia LalremruatiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram“Online Teaching: Problems & Challenges faced by College Teachers due to Covid-19 Pandemic” on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
2Alicia LalremruatiHmangaihna Zun ZamAn analysis of Laltanpuia Ideas in ;Min hruai ve ang che' Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
3B. LalrawngbawlaInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramAnalysis of Covid-19 in India: A geographical perspectiveTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
4B. LalrawngbawlaHmangaihna Zun ZamTendancy of Escapism in the poem of Laltanpuia Tochhawng's SongsThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
5C. LalnunmawiaInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramEconomic analysis of Covid-19 impact on informal sector, Aizawl, MizoramTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
6C. LalnunmawiaHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng Hun lai leh Mizoram EconomyThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
7C. VanlallawmaHmangaihna Zun ZamPawnpui Centric WorldviewThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
8C. VanlalvawniInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram“Online Teaching: Problems & Challenges faced by College Teachers due to Covid-19 Pandemic” on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
9Dr. Darchuailova RenthleiMizo Tawng KhawvelMizo Grammar : Trends & TrendenciesTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Mizo LanguageTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Mizo LanguageInternational2021978-81-947253-1-2St. Xavier CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
10DomuanlalInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramEconomic analysis of Covid-19 impact on informal sector, Aizawl, MizoramTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
11DomuanlalHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng Hun lai leh Mizoram EconomyThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
12Dr. B.LalfakawmiHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng: Romantic PoetThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
13Dr. Binod MurmuInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramImpact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Consumer’s Buying Behavior with Special Reference to Youth in MizoramTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
14Dr. C. LalrinfeliInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram“Online Teaching: Problems & Challenges faced by College Teachers due to Covid-19 Pandemic” on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
15Dr. C. LalrinfeliHmangaihna Zun ZamAn analysis of Laltanpuia Ideas in ;Min hruai ve ang che' Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
16Dr. Darchuailova RenthleiHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuian Nature a Thlir DanThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
17Dr. H. LalzuithangiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramElection in a Pandemic: The Challenges of Conducting Election during Pandemic in Mizoram.Two Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
18Dr. H. LalzuithangiHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng: Romantic PoetThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
19Dr. LalbiakzualiInternational Journal of Avanced ResearchMarketing Management in the State Owned Enterprises of MizoramNANAInternational2021978-9390692767
International Journal of Avanced Research
20Dr. LalbiakzualiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramInterdisciplinary Research on the Covid-19 pandemic in MizoramTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
21Dr. LalbiakzualiManagement of State Owned enterprises in MizoramManagement of State Owned Enterprise in MizoramNANAInternational2021978-9390692767Amazon.inMittal Publications
22Dr. Lalhlimpuii, Inter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram“Perceptions and Challenges of Stakeholders of Government Hrangbana College Towards Online Education/Learn ing – A Case Study”Two Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
23Dr. Lalhlimpuii, Hmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng as Educational SingerThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
24Dr. Lalnunpuia SailoInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramImpact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Consumer’s Buying Behavior with Special Reference to Youth in MizoramTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
25Dr. Lalsangliani, Inter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram“Perceptions and Challenges of Stakeholders of Government Hrangbana College Towards Online Education/Learn ing – A Case Study”Two Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
26Dr. Malsawmi PachuauInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram‘The working of the Department of Disaster Management and Rehabilitation in Relation to Covid19 pandemic with Special Reference to Aizawl DistrictTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
27Dr. Robert LalremtluangaInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramA Brief History of Epidemics, Compilation of Documents and Impact of COVID19 in Mizoram from March 2020-March 2021Two Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
28Dr. Rosaline VarsangzualiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramA Brief History of Epidemics, Compilation of Documents and Impact of COVID19 in Mizoram from March 2020-March 2021Two Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
29Dr. Rosaline VarsangzualiHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng: Romantic PoetThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
30Dr. ZothanzamiMizoram Economics, Education and Political ScenarioCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID -19) Pandemic – Implications on Mental HealthNANANational2021978 -93 - 90434 -40 - 4Govt. J.Thankima CollegeEBH Publishers (India)
31Dr. ZothanzamiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramImpact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental health among the MizosTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
32Dr. ZothanzamiPsychology Mi Tin TanHmeichhe thi hul (Menopause)NANANational2021978 -81 - 939434 - 2 - 7Mizoram Psychological AssociatioMittal Publications
33H. LalawmpuiiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramCovid19 hripuiin Mizo Literature a nghawng danTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
34H. LalengzualiHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng Hlaa Ram leh Hnam HmangaihnaThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
35HD LalrinkimiHmangaihna Zun ZamEditorThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
36HD. LalrinkimiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramCovid19 hripuiin Mizo Literature a nghawng danTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
37Isaac LaldinmawiaInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramImpact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental health among the MizosTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
38Juliet Lalremmawii RalteInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramImpact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental health among the MizosTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
39Juliet Lalremmawii RalteHmangaihna Zun ZamThe impact of Psychology in a Society: Laltanpuia Tochhawng Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
40LaldinpuiiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramEconomic analysis of Covid-19 impact on informal sector, Aizawl, MizoramTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
41LaldinpuiiHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng Hun lai leh Mizoram EconomyThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
42Lalhunmawii ChhakchhuakInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramImpact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Consumer’s Buying Behavior with Special Reference to Youth in MizoramTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
43Lalmalsawma RalteInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramAnalysis of Covid-19 in India: A geographical perspectiveTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
44Lalparmawii KhiangteInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramImpact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental health among the MizosTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
45Lalparmawii KhiangteHmangaihna Zun ZamThe impact of Psychology in a Society: Laltanpuia Tochhawng Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
46Lalremruati NgenteHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng hlaa HumanityThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
47Lalremruati NgenteZirlaite Hril Hla (Anthology of Poetry)Mizo Poetry Than Chhoh DanCollege Level Poetry FestivalCollege Level Poetry FestivalNational2022978-81-954605-9-5Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
48Lalremruati NgenteInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramCovid19 hripuiin Mizo Literature a nghawng danTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
49LalrinnghetaMizo ScreenplayFilm StudiesOne day International Seminar on Mizo ScreenplayOne day International Seminar on Mizo ScreenplayInternational2021978-93-5473-242-3Mizo Drama SocietyKL Offset,
50Lalsawmzuali HnamteInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram“Perceptions and Challenges of Stakeholders of Government Hrangbana College Towards Online Education/Learn ing – A Case Study”Two Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
51LalthlamuaniInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram“Perceptions and Challenges of Stakeholders of Government Hrangbana College Towards Online Education/Learn ing – A Case Study”Two Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
52LaltlanmawiaHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia leh HmangaihnaThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
53LaltlanmawiaInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramCovid19 hripuiin Mizo Literature a nghawng danTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
54LaltlanmawiaHmangaihna Zun ZamEditorThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
55LaltlanmawiaThukphumZikpuii pa mita Ngurthansangi mawinaState Level Webinar on Mizo Fiction Zir ChiannaState Level Webinar on Mizo Fiction Zir ChiannaState2022978-81-953515-5-8Govt. Aizawl West CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
56LaltlanmawiaAiting‘Run Mawi’ hla bih chiannaInternational Webinar on ‘A Study of Mizo Poetry’ International Webinar on ‘A Study of Mizo Poetry’ International2022978-81-944290-0-0Govt. Khawzawl CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
57Lynda VanlalruatiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram“Perceptions and Challenges of Stakeholders of Government Hrangbana College Towards Online Education/Learn ing – A Case Study”Two Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
58Lynda VanlalruatiHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng as Educational SingerThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
59Marie ZodinpuiiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram‘The working of the Department of Disaster Management and Rehabilitation in Relation to Covid19 pandemic with Special Reference to Aizawl DistrictTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
60Marie ZodinpuiiHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng Hlaa PatriotismThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
61Melody LaltanpuiiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramImpact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental health among the MizosTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
62Melody LaltanpuiiHmangaihna Zun ZamThe impact of Psychology in a Society: Laltanpuia Tochhawng Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
63PC LalhmingsangiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramImpact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental health among the MizosTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
64Prof. Sanny TochhawngInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram“Perceptions and Challenges of Stakeholders of Government Hrangbana College Towards Online Education/Learn ing – A Case Study”Two Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
65R. LalchhanhimiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramCovid19 hripuiin Mizo Literature a nghawng danTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
66R. LalchhanhimiHmangaihna Zun ZamEditorThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
67R. LalrinkimaInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramElection in a Pandemic: The Challenges of Conducting Election during Pandemic in Mizoram.Two Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
68RamengmawiiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramAnalysis of Covid-19 in India: A geographical perspectiveTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
69RamengmawiiHmangaihna Zun ZamTendancy of Escapism in the poem of Laltanpuia Tochhawng's SongsThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
70RohminglianiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramEconomic analysis of Covid-19 impact on informal sector, Aizawl, MizoramTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
71Samuel LalthanlianaInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramImpact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Consumer’s Buying Behavior with Special Reference to Youth in MizoramTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
72Samuel LalthanlianaMULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES: PROSPECTS AND PROBLEMS IN MODERN ERAMultidisciplinary Studies: Prospects and Problems in Modern Era. “ Analysis of Inflows of Foreign Direct Investment in India , Problems and Challenges”Analysis of Inflows of Foreign Direct Investment in India Problems and ChallengesAnalysis of Inflows of Foreign Direct Investment in India Problems and ChallengesInternational2022978-920-5-20223-5
Princeton Press, USA
73TuanmuansangInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramEconomic analysis of Covid-19 impact on informal sector, Aizawl, MizoramTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
74V. LalberkhawpuimawiaHmangaihna Zun ZamLaltanpuia Tochhawng Hlaa Romanticism ZiarangThree day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
75V. LalberkhawpuimawiaMizo ScreenplayThe Journey of Screenplay in Film IndustryOne day International Seminar on Mizo ScreenplayOne day International Seminar on Mizo ScreenplayInternational2021978-93-5473-242-3Mizo Drama SocietyKL Offset,
76V. LalberkhawpuimawiaThukphumRole of pasaltha in ‘Ka Mi huaisen leh ka pasaltha’State Level Webinar on Mizo Fiction Zir ChiannaState Level Webinar on Mizo Fiction Zir ChiannaState2022978-81-953515-5-8Govt. Aizawl West CollegeKL Offset,
77V. LalberkhawpuimawiaInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in MizoramCovid19 hripuiin Mizo Literature a nghawng danTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
78ZochhuanmawiaInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram“Online Teaching: Problems & Challenges faced by College Teachers due to Covid-19 Pandemic” on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
79ZochhuanmawiaHmangaihna Zun ZamAn analysis of Laltanpuia Ideas in ;Min hruai ve ang che' Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ Three day international webinar on ‘A critical study of the songs of Laltanpuia Tochhawng’ International2022978-81-954605-1-9Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
80ZonunmawiiInter-Disciplinary Research on Covid-19 Pandemic in Mizoram“Online Teaching: Problems & Challenges faced by College Teachers due to Covid-19 Pandemic” on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchTwo Days International Webinar on Inter-Disciplinary Covid-19 Pandemic ResearchInternational2021978-81-950949-9-8Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
1Alicia LalremruatiValzotea RunmawiThe Romantic Nature in the songs of Valzotea Hlate: An Analysis of Ka Di Ka ParmawiteTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
2B. LalfakawmiValzotea RunmawiImpact of Politics in the Songs of ValzoteaTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media & Publication
3B. LalrawngbawlaValzotea RunmawiAn Analysis of Valzotea Hlate: Topographical Perspective Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media & Publication
4C. LaldampuiaValzotea RunmawiValzotea Hlate as a contemporary study: Impact on the Modern Youth Culture Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media & Publication
5C. LalhumbikaValzotea RunmawiAn Analysis of Valzotea Hlate: Topographical Perspective Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media & Publication
6C. LalthantluangiValzotea RunmawiAn Analysis of Valzotea Songs with special reference to 'Runmawi'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
7DoumuanlalValzotea RunmawiAn Analysis of Valzotea Songs with special reference to 'Runmawi'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
8Dr. C. LalrinfeliNegotiating Cultures: Writings from Mizoram edited by Margaret L. Pachuau“Remembering Rambuai: Trauma, Memory and Narrative”NANAInternational2022978-93-56400-17-7Mizoram UniversityBloomsbury
9Dr. Darchuailova RenthleiMizo Tawng Khawvel 2Mizo Tawng Sentence NihphungOne Week International Webinar on 'Discourse on Mizo Language' One Week International Webinar on 'Discourse on Mizo Language' International2023978-93-89490-23-7Govt. Saituual CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
10Dr. Darchuailova RenthleiVankhama: A Master of DictionAuthor BookNANANational2022978-81-963515-5-2Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
11Dr. Darchuailova RenthleiVankhama: Thulehthliah ThiamAuthor BookNANANational2022978-81-963515-8-0Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
12Dr. Darchuailova RenthleiRokunga: A Master of MetaphorAuthor BookNANANational2022978-81-963515-0-5Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
13Dr. Darchuailova RenthleiRokunga: Tehkhinthu ThiamAuthor BookNANANational2022978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
14Dr. Darchuailova RenthleiValzotea RunmawiValzotea Hlaa Nature ElementsTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset, Aizawl
15Dr. H. LalzuithangiValzotea RunmawiImpact of Politics in the Songs of ValzoteaTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
16Dr. HS. LalbiakengiValzotea RunmawiAcritical Study of the Mizo Society in Valzotea Hlate: An Analysis on RunmawiTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
17Dr. LalbiakzualiValzotea RunmawiIntellectual Property Rights and the Music of Valzotea HlateTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
18Dr. LalfakzualaValzotea RunmawiAcritical Study of the Mizo Society in Valzotea Hlate: An Analysis on RunmawiTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
19Dr. LalhlimpuiiValzotea RunmawiCapturing Mind of the Youth through the songs of ValzoteaTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
20Dr. LalhmingsangiValzotea RunmawiPsycho-Analysis on Valzotea Hlate: Impact of Melancholy Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
21DR. Lalremmawii RalteValzotea RunmawiPsycho-Analysis on Valzotea Hlate: Impact of Melancholy Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
22Dr. Malsawmi PachuauValzotea RunmawiAcritical Study of the Mizo Society in Valzotea Hlate: An Analysis on RunmawiTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
23Dr. Malsawmi PachuauTraveloque (Eited)An overviewof the Deep South Expedition 2022 and Back to our Roots 2021NANANational2022978-93-5636-320-5Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
24Dr. Malsawmi PachuauTraveloque (Eited)EditorNANANational2022978-93-5636-320-5Govt. Hrangbana CollegeLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
25Dr. Melody LaltanpuiiValzotea RunmawiPsycho-Analysis on Valzotea Hlate: Impact of Melancholy Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
26Dr. RohminglianiValzotea RunmawiAn Analysis of Valzotea Songs with special reference to 'Runmawi'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
27Dr. Rosaline VarsangzualiValzotea RunmawiValzotea Hlate as a contemporary study: Impact on the Modern Youth Culture Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
28Dr. ZD. LalhmangaihzauvaValzotea RunmawiThe Romantic Nature in the songs of Valzotea Hlate: An Analysis of Ka Di Ka ParmawiteTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
29Dr. ZothanzamiValzotea RunmawiPsycho-Analysis on Valzotea Hlate: Impact of Melancholy Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
30F. VanlalhmangaihsangiValzotea RunmawiAn Analysis of Valzotea Hlate: Topographical Perspective Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
31H. LalengzualiValzotea RunmawiImpact of Politics in the Songs of ValzoteaTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
32H. LalthanpuiiMizo Rochun Thu leh Hla Zir ChiannaMizo thawnthua Magical Instruments Bih ChiannaSeminar on Rethingking Mizo Orality: Approaches and SystemsSeminar on Rethingking Mizo Orality: Approaches and SystemsState Level2023978-81-957589-2-0Pachhunga University CollegeKL Offset,
33H. LalzidingaValzotea RunmawiAcritical Study of the Mizo Society in Valzotea Hlate: An Analysis on RunmawiTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
34HD. LalrinkimiValzotea RunmawiValzotea Hlaa InngaihzawnnaTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media & Publication
35John.K. LaldinglianaValzotea RunmawiAcritical Study of the Mizo Society in Valzotea Hlate: An Analysis on RunmawiTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
36John.L PachuauValzotea RunmawiValzotea Hlate as a contemporary study: Impact on the Modern Youth Culture Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
37Judy Lalremruati RalteValzotea RunmawiValzotea Hlate as a contemporary study: Impact on the Modern Youth Culture Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
38Juliet Lalremmawii RalteContemporary Psychosocial issues IIEditorial Board MemberPsychology Alumni Association, ISBN 978-93-89490-14-5Psychology Alumni Association, ISBN 978-93-89490-14-5National2022978-93-89490-14-5Mizoram UniversityKL Offset,
39LalchanglianaValzotea RunmawiIntellectual Property Rights and the Music of Valzotea HlateTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
40Laldingliana SailoValzotea RunmawiIntellectual Property Rights and the Music of Valzotea HlateTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
41LaldinpuiiValzotea RunmawiAn Analysis of Valzotea Songs with special reference to 'Runmawi'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
42LalhruaitluangiValzotea RunmawiThe Romantic Nature in the songs of Valzotea Hlate: An Analysis of Ka Di Ka ParmawiteTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
43Lalhunmawii ChhakchhuakValzotea RunmawiIntellectual Property Rights and the Music of Valzotea HlateTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
44Lalmalsawma RalteValzotea RunmawiAn Analysis of Valzotea Hlate: Topographical Perspective Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
45LalmuanpuiaValzotea RunmawiAn Analysis of Valzotea Songs with special reference to 'Runmawi'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
46Lalparmawii KhiangteValzotea RunmawiPsycho-Analysis on Valzotea Hlate: Impact of Melancholy Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media &
47Lalremruati NgenteValzotea RunmawiValzotea Lungawina: Run Mawi leh Run NuamTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media & Publication
48Lalremruati NgenteLungtat Par (Discourse on Triau Trackx)Triau Trackx Hlaa SatireFive Day National Webinar on ‘Discourse on Triau Trackx'Five Day National Webinar on ‘Discourse on Triau Trackx'National2023978-81-965515-3-0Govt. Hrangbana CollegeFraser Media & Publication
49Lalremruati NgenteMizo Audio DramaLemchan Khawvela Redemption Theatrical SulhnuOne Day International Seminar on Mizo Audio DramaOne Day International Seminar on Mizo Audio DramaInternational2023978-81-956415-7-4Mizo Drama SocietyKL Offset,
50Lalremruati NgenteZaikung Thar Vol-5Lungawina, Chhiartu, MihrinnaNANAInternational2023978-93-89490-15-2Mizo Poetry SocietyLoisbet Offset & Publication, Aizawl, Mizoram
51LalrinnghetaMizo Audio DramaMizo Drama Society ChanchinOne Day International Seminar on Mizo Audio DramaOne Day International Seminar on Mizo Audio DramaInternational2023978-81-956415-7-4Mizo Drama SocietyKL Offset,
52LalrinnghetaZaikung Thar Vol-5Nun thawnthu, Keimahni, A tak a awm

International2023978-93-89490-15-2Mizo Poetry SocietyKL Offset,
53LalrinnghetaValzotea RunmawiEditorTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana CollegeKL Offset,
54Lalsawmzuali HnamteValzotea RunmawiCapturing Mind of the Youth through the songs of ValzoteaTwo Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'Two Day International Seminar on ;Valzotea leh A Hlate'International2023978-81-963515-2-1Govt. Hrangbana College